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Treasure hunters told to show maps

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Treasure hunters told to show maps Empty Treasure hunters told to show maps

Mensaje por Pedro_Caleja Lun Ene 14, 2008 12:20 pm

TAMPA, Florida -- The Spanish government will receive detailed information about a shipwreck site where a Florida company found $500 million worth of coins and artifacts last year, a federal judge ruled Thursday.

Odyssey Marine Exploration will reveal the exact location of the shipwreck and items found onboard, U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark Pizzo said.

The company will also disclose the locations of two other shipwrecks, the judge said.

The information, which includes videos and photos taken from the sites, will not be made public, he said. Odyssey is required to turn the information over within two weeks, and Spanish representatives will be allowed to view the treasure.

Spain has sought the information in federal court because it contends it is entitled to the treasure if it comes from one of its sunken ships, or if the artifacts were removed from Spain's territorial waters.


Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 31
Edad : 46
Localización : Lisboa - Portugal
Empleo /Ocios : IGESPAR - DANS
Fecha de inscripción : 11/12/2007

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Treasure hunters told to show maps Empty Treasure hunters in dispute with Spain

Mensaje por Pedro_Caleja Vie Ene 25, 2008 2:09 pm

Continuación de la saga, para mirar la noticia completa siguen el enlace: Treasure hunters in dispute with Spain

Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 31
Edad : 46
Localización : Lisboa - Portugal
Empleo /Ocios : IGESPAR - DANS
Fecha de inscripción : 11/12/2007

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